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Causes and How to Eliminate the Great Red Spot on Face

Senin, 27 Juli 2015 / 1 Comment
red spots on the face

ID-HEALTHY - Anything that damages the facial appearance is undoubtedly an unpleasant thing. The emergence of the red dots on the face can cause frustration and embarrassment. Red spots on the skin can cause irritation, but not at all intrusive.

Facial petechiae is a medical term that is often used for this skin condition that is usually marked with spots of red spots on the face. Facial petechiae is an indication of leakage of blood under the skin. In our bodies, there are three types of blood vessels and blood vessels are damaged in these conditions is the capillary blood vessels. Capillaries in the face that broke causing bleeding under the skin and eventually lead to the appearance of red spots on the skin flat and round.

Causes and How to Eliminate the Great Red Spot on Face


Layer of the skin consists of small blood vessels innumerable. Blood vessels carry blood and ensures that each organ gets sufficient amount of blood. The blood vessels located very close to the outer layer of skin or epidermis. Each action or activity that puts excessive burden on facial blood vessels can cause damage. Internal damage to the blood vessels often manifest in the outer layers of the skin, in the form of red spots on the face.

Many people consider this small red spots on the skin as a heat rash. However, red spots on the face and heat rash is a skin problem that is completely different. This small spots which may also appear on the back and chest, it does not look like blisters or pimples.

1. Gag
When a person vomits, blood vessels close to the face of the most affected. Vomiting often causes broken blood vessels, which causes the accumulation of blood in certain areas on the skin of the face and neck. It is often seen as red spots on the face and neck.

2. Cough
Frequent coughing can also put undue pressure on the blood vessels of the face. This Dapa trigger rupture of blood vessels, which eventually led to the formation of red spots on the skin. Tiny spots may appear in large numbers across the face. In addition to vomiting and coughing, damage to capillaries on the face can also be caused by excessive crying.

3. Allergic reaction
Consuming drugs that can not be tolerated by the body can cause allergic reactions, which can affect the skin. Symptoms of food allergies can also affect the skin and cause a rash appears on the face. Identify food and drugs that trigger mild allergic reactions using a skin allergy test can definitely help to avoid this skin problem.

Other Causes

Rupture of capillaries due to trauma is not the only cause of facial petechiae. People who suffer from blood clotting disorders are also at risk of internal bleeding. Normally, when a blood vessel gets damaged, blood clots in the injured immediately started to stop the bleeding. However, this does not happen in people suffering from a blood clotting disorder, because that there is a high possibility for forming red spots on the skin. Facial petechiae and fever may indicate a viral infection and may take an appointment with the doctor for further diagnosis.

People taking anticoagulants such as heparin, aspirin or warfarin that interfere with the ability of blood to clot, can also get this facial petechiae. Decrease in the number of platelets (small cells in the blood stream that started clotting action) is a contributory factor in getting petechiae. Poisoning / infection of the blood, the use of cancer chemotherapy drugs and blood are some other causes of the decline in the number of platelets, which eventually led to petechiae anywhere on the body including the face area.

Those who have a habit of sneezing violently or follow a strict exercise routine every day, it can also show red spots on the skin, because these activities put a strain on the blood vessels of the face. However, the appearance of red spots unsightly usually disappear after a few days. However, to relieve irritation, moisturizing the skin (skin moisturizer) can be used. In most cases, this merupaka temporary skin problems that do not require a visit to a dermatologist.

Although bleeding is not severe, these spots are not usually disappear within one or two days. Red spots usually disappear after 7-10 days. If the rash does not fade within two weeks, blood tests need to be undertaken to diagnose the cause of the red spots.

Red spots is included into the group of illnesses are quite vicious and deadly disease equivalent to cancer if the disease is especially acute. Lupus? yes it was her name that indicates disease with andanya red spots on the face or body.

Previously, if you had heard the word Lupus? Or even you know what Lupus ??

Well, we will explain, yes, for those of you who do not know, even very strange to hear the word "Lupus", hopefully can be useful and you become aware of lupus disease is like, and at least can better control occurs if signs of disease lupus on our skin.

How to Eliminate Red Spot on Face In AlamiPenyakit Lupus is a deadly new disease similar to cancer. Not a few pengindap disease is not hopeless, in the world was detected with Lupus disease reaches 5 million people, more than 100 thousand new cases occur each year. Lupus own sense of the word in Latin means "coyote". This term began to be known about a century ago. Initially, patients with this disease have calculated skin disorders, such as redness around the nose and cheeks. Red blotches on the face and arms, heat and prolonged fatigue, hair loss, and swollen joints often arise thrush. This disease not only affects the skin, but also can affect almost every organ in the body.

Lupus disease is one of the autoimmune disease, often called the great imitator disease because the symptoms of this disease has similarities to some of the symptoms of other diseases. Very likely among people with lupus have a complaint or early symptoms varies. However, there is a need to be aware as a symptom of lupus, such as on the face appears red spots that resemble the shape of a butterfly and can appear on other parts of the body. According to Karin Gresia as campaign coordinator Karin Gresia Lupus, said â ?? visual indication and most easily recognized is if there are red spots on a butterfly-shaped face.

If you feel or find symptoms that resemble lupus disease, immediately consult a doctor to be sure. If the doctor has given a positive statement of lupus disease, do not wait any longer take action as possible. If you want to perform the treatment in a natural way, which certainly will not get high risk because of the nature of the treatment, we recommend the "jelly gamat gold g" as an antidote busting red spots on the face due to lupus disease that attacks both safe for consumption toddler, mother pregnancy and lactation.

Jelly Gamat Gold G Effective in Eliminating Red spots on the face Due to Lupus Naturally
How to Eliminate Red Spot on Face Naturally

Jelly gamat gold g an herbal health food Multikhasiat very effective in removing stains red / red spots on the face (body) as a result of lupus disease in a natural way that is safe and does not cause side effects on the body.

Made from 100% natural ingredients (marine animals), sea cucumbers / gold gamat Golden species Stichopus variegatus were processed by experts in the field by using modern technology based super hygienic herbs so that the naturalness of the content of sea cucumber / gamat gold can be maintained.

Marine animal species gold golden sea cucumber Stichopus variegatus has Gamapeptide content (not present in other species) and is the best choice of species that serve as the solution treatment and prevention of various diseases mecam. Gamapeptide the content is very useful to prevent inflammation, reduce pain, accelerate wound healing 3x, enable growth and activate cells, making the skin younger and increase the beauty, stabilize emotions, maintain blood circulation.

Other active ingredients contained in this golden sea cucumbers include: Protein 86.8%, 80.0% Collagen, Mucopolysaccharide, Glucasaminoglycans (GAGs), a natural antiseptic, Glucosamine and Chondroitin, saponin, Omega-3, 6, and 9, Amino Acids , lectin, Vitamins and Minerals.

Keektifan Jelly Gamat Gold G as the best treatment solutions to overcome the disease is due to lupus contains many minerals needed by the people with lupus. Mineral types include Calcium, Iron, Pottasium, chromium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Sodium. Minerals and especially iron is highly beneficial to activate the enzyme, manghasilkan red blood cells, prevent and treat anemia blood and can help blood sugar tolerance. With many of the gold content of sea cucumber lupus disease can be resolved finally and maximum.

7 Tips and How to Eliminate Acne Scars

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ID-HEALTHY - How to remove acne scars. Having a pimply face sometimes make an appearance insecure. Acne is a problem that is troublesome when we do not know what the correct way to address them. In addition, sometimes acne also leaves scars that make your face look less attractive. Not many people know about how to get rid of the acne scars. Therefore, here we provide some tips and how to remove acne scars so that your face becomes smooth and naturally clean your back and free from embarrassment.

7 Tips and How to Eliminate Acne Scars

Natural ways to remove acne scars

7 Tips and How to Eliminate Acne Scars

1. Eliminate acne scars with cream Vitamin E
The first way that you can try to get rid of acne scars is to use creams or moisturizers that contain vitamin E in it. Vitamin E is believed to help skin regeneration system that can help acne scars blemishes. Use vitamin E cream on a regular basis, or for maximum results, you can also take vitamin E in capsule form to help improve your ulit from within.

2. Eliminate acne scars with Aloe Vera
Furthermore, you can choose to use a product that contains aloe vera to reduce acne scars. The benefits of aloe vera can help diminish scars more quickly and improve the healing process of your skin. Aloe vera is usually available in the form of a cream, gel, moisturizer aupun. However, each product will have different results on your skin. So you may have to try several products before getting the desired results.

3. Eliminate acne scars with Ice Cube
If you are not sure to use products that contain chemicals, you can try to take advantage of ice cubes to get rid of acne scars. The trick is to rub ice cubes on scars or acne scars on the face for at least fifteen minutes. By doing so, will help refresh your skin and diminish scars caused by acne.

4. Eliminate acne scars with Tomato
Tomatoes also can use as natural ingredients remove acne scars and black spots on your face. The trick is quite easy just by applying the tomato slices on our face.

5. Eliminate acne scars with Cucumber Juice
Cucumber juice or cucumber is the right material for removing acne scars, cucumber is also a natural toner for the skin to improve the texture kult and clean the black stain on the skin.

6. Eliminate acne scars with Bengkoang
Bengkoang already in use from the first to care for beauty, water yam has a natural ingredient that can remove dead skin cells on the skin and make acne scars will fade and long kelaman remove acne scars on your beautiful face.

7. Eliminate acne scars with Detoxification
Finally you can choose to detoxify your body from the inside to improve the condition of your skin. By removing the toxins in the body, it will give good impact bagikesehatan your skin, so the skin cells regenenerasi process will go well. By doing so, the stains on the face caused by the acne scars will be disguised gradually and will eventually disappear.

By running tips and how to remove acne scars above, you will get maximum results. Get face smooth and free of blemishes acne scars.

5 Sports Simple Easy And Healthy

Minggu, 26 Juli 2015 / No Comments
ID-HEALTHY - Simple Sport. Sport is one of the types of activities that can make our bodies healthy and fit every day. Various sports movement that we do can help flex and relieve stiffness or muscle tension in our bodies. Hence, the Sport is one of the activities is the recommended in our daily lives. Then, is there any sports which is a simple and healthy body ..... ????

Friend, health tips. Diverse sports we can do every day like a football, marathon, swimming, playing basketball or something else. But there was also a simple exercise that is easy and fun to do by us every day without having to take a lot of time in busy schedules of our daily routine. Friend, health tips. Here are 5 simple type of exercise that is easy and fun that we can do every day:

5 Sports Simple Easy And Healthy

1. Foot.
Simple exercise we can do is walk. It is one kind of simple exercise you can do every day. Take a moment of your time every morning for a walk or if the distance of the school or where you work close enough, you can walk to get to school or where you work.

2. Running.
The second simple sport is run. Perhaps this is one sport that is not difficult to do. You can spend some time in the morning to do the kind of sport this one. This exercise is very good for your muscle mass and burn calories in your body.

3. Push Up.
Simple exercise to three, namely push ups and sit ups. This sport is not too much of your time and you can do on the sidelines of your daily activities. The benefits of this exercise is to burn calories to your body and make your body fit and able to build muscle your body.

4. Gymnastics.
The fourth is a simple sport of gymnastics. This exercise is also very easy to do every day. If the music accompanied this sport is also more fun to do every harinya.Olahraga this can also be done by everyone at all levels of the age of the children to the elderly. Health benefits are very good for your body and maintain your fitness every day.

5. Cycling.
The fifth is a simple sport of cycling. This exercise is also very easy to do by everyone at various age levels. You can do it every morning before your daily dense activity. The benefit is also very good for maintaining health and fitness condition and your body.
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How to Treat Thrush

Kamis, 23 Juli 2015 / No Comments
ID-Healthy - Sprue is a disorder that occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth. The shape is wound in the mouth (patches) are white. Many people who have had thrush, especially women. Thrush can come suddenly. Cause of canker sores is quite varied including:

ID-Healthy - How to Treat Thrush
  • Eating food and hot drinks
  • Lack of Vitamin C and Iron
  • Allergy
  • Luka bitten
  • Psychological factors
  • The condition of the body does not fit
  • Indigestion
  • Bacteria in the mouth

and other factors.

Many people assume that vitamin C is a cure thrush. But in fact, vitamin C is beneficial only to prevent thrush, instead of treating canker sores. Acute sores that can not be treated by simply taking vitamin C. Taking vitamin C in the form of candy or even usually extend thrush solution. On the contrary, under certain circumstances there sprue patients who heal by itself by reducing the oily and spicy food.

Thrush sufferers usually experience a variety of effects such as sore throat, indigestion, weakness and so on. In certain circumstances, adults and children can experience a fever between 37 to 38 degrees Celsius.

How to treat ulcers is extremely diverse, and everyone has partial matches to a particular drug. Because there are some people who fit the sprue type of topical drug but does not match the type of thrush medication shaped soda solution, and vice versa with the other. Shaped mouth ulcer drug solution containing soda beverages typically consumed is not suitable for people with ulcers. If it is forced through, effects that occur can lead to a relapse of stomach acid.

It is true canker sores can heal on its own without treatment. However this is not entirely accurate because each person has a different body resistance. Thrush can cause a decline in the immune system of a person. This is in line with the trend that people with canker sores usually reduced appetite due to chapped lips and tongue feel sore.

As explained earlier that the drugs are quite varied thrush, but you could try some kind of drug or how to cure thrush below:

  • Thrush medication Albothyl
  • Xamthone thrush medication plus (Mangosteen juice)
  • Fg thrush medication trochees
  • Thrush medication Miconazole
  • Fresheners solution heat consumption in
  • Rub the affected area with honey sprue
  • Rub the affected area sprue with onions, papaya, or with tea bags
  • Gargle with salt water or decoction of turmeric juice and you can also gargle with a mixture of water and baking soda
  • Yogurt consumption
and there are many other ways to treat canker sores.

But you need to consider is that everyone has a different level kecocokkan by applying methods and drugs which have been described above. If you are still in doubt, it is better to seek advice from a doctor or use medicine that has proven its efficacy is available in pharmacies or nearby minimarket. Hopefully this article on canker sores helpful.

6 Food and Beverage Containing Non-Dairy Calcium

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ID-Healthy - Calcium is one of the essential substance that our bodies need. Calcium is found in dairy products or other foods and beverages are made from milk. However, it is becoming difficult for people who do not like the food or milk-based drinks. Calcium not only strengthens your bones, but also plays a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. If the body's need for calcium is not met, then instead be taken from your bones so that the impact on the weakening of the bones.

Fortunately, there are some non-dairy foods that offer 1000 to 1300 milligrams of calcium. According to Roberta Anding, dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics quoted, said that the benefits of calcium derived from plants to make sure you eat lots of vegetables. Yes, apart from milk, calcium can also be obtained from vegetables.

ID-Healthy - 6 Food and Beverage Containing Non-Dairy Calcium

If you do not like the food and beverages that contain milk, you can still obtain calcium by eating the following foods:

Dark green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, Swiss chard, spinach, and cabbage contain enough calcium. A small bowl of cooked spinach, for example, has approximately 245 mg of calcium, almost a quarter of a recommendation of your daily calcium needs. However, it should be noted that spinach also contains compounds that can inhibit the absorption of calcium. Eat spinach to taste and find sources of calcium from other foods.

Sesame seeds also contain calcium. One tablespoon of sesame seeds contains 88 mg of calcium. With a cup of sesame seeds, will meet your daily calcium needs about 1404 mg. In addition, flaxseed also can meet the needs of your kalisum much as 428 mg per cup.

Nuts are an excellent source of calcium. Brazil nuts One cup has 213 mg of calcium, and a cup of almonds contains 378 mg of calcium. Snacking on nuts all day or eating almond butter (instead of peanut butter) in a sandwich at lunch can provide at least a quarter of the recommended daily calcium intake.

Herbal Plant
Herbal plant contains calcium which is also quite a lot. One tablespoon Thyme (a kind of herbal plant) containing 81 mg of calcium. The same measurement of oregano (a kind of spice) contains 86 mg of calcium, while the basil contains 101 mg. To include these herbs in each dish such as salad, vegetable fry and other dishes, will help you to meet calcium needs.

Soybean not only a good source of protein, but also contains a lot of calcium. Only with 1 ounce Know, already contains 105 mg of calcium. Soy milk usually contain 200 and 500 mg of calcium per cup. Such as spinach, soy also contains compounds that can inhibit the absorption of calcium, but manufacturers usually use additives to give a boost of calcium in their products.

If you are still experiencing difficulties to meet 1,000 to 1,300 mg of calcium that is recommended every day, you still can get it with the help of supplements. Food manufacturers also make this goal more easily by adding calcium to their products (including cereals and flour) in a way that maximizes absorption. Orange juice also contains 500 mg of calcium in each cup, so eat several cups each day kalsiumpun needs will be met.

That some non-dairy foods that can meet your calcium needs. But experts also warn because as explained previously that some of the food that was mentioned earlier, there are containing compounds that can inhibit the absorption of calcium. For this problem, experts recommend to consume vitamin D (recommendation: 15 micrograms per day) which can help the body to absorb calcium. However, milk is the best source to meet calcium needs.

Aloe Vera and Various Benefits

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ID-Healthy - Aloe vera is a plant that has existed for thousands of years ago. Aloe vera can be found in dry areas such as in Africa. In addition to the unique shape, aloe vera has numerous benefits. Substances contained in aloe vera provide health benefits that this plant has been developed into industrial raw materials as well as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals are also used for food and health drinks. This is based on research that aloe vera contains substances such as minerals, enzymes, amino acids, polysaccharides, vitamins and other components that are beneficial to health.

ID-Healthy - Aloe Vera and Various Benefits

As for some of the other benefits of aloe vera are as follows:
  • Treating minor burns
  • Cooling the burned skin from the sun.
  • Overcoming blisters.
  • Relieves Acne incurred.
  • Fade blackish spots on the nose and other parts of the skin.
  • Can be used to substitute for jelly or hair conditioner.
  • Helps overcome dandruff.
  • Help treat canker sores.
  • Can be used as a body lotion.
  • Overcoming the problems of gum.
  • Reduce muscle cramps.
  • Treating water fleas.
  • Treat scratches like slash knives and other sharp objects.
  • Help diminish scars and red streaks or white due to pregnancy.
  • Treat itching due to insect bites.
  • Aloe vera can also be used as a tackle wrinkles and anti-aging creams.
  • Create a sense of comfort to the shaver.
  • Overcoming rash caused sap
  • Relieve skin problems such as redness, irritation, dryness and flaking.

... And various other benefits.

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, aloe vera can be useful in the fight against serious diseases such as diabetes, HIV / AIDS, to prevent some cancers. Aloe vera has a content of all types of vitamins except vitamin D. In Europe, Australia, and America, aloe vera has been used as a raw material-food industry and health drinks.

8 Tips Fattening Agency

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ID-Healthy - If many obese people are disappointed with the shape and weight, the same thing also many complaints by people who are thin. But the difference, if obese people are eager to lose weight, otherwise skinny people want to gain weight in order to look a bit fuller. Just as the process of losing weight, the body fat is also not easy. But certainly, the process must fatten weight in a healthy manner. Are there any tips to fatten the body effectively and in a healthy way? Of course there is a way, please consider some tips to fatten the following agencies:

ID-Healthy - 8 Tips Fattening Agency

1. Add calories

In moderate activity, men need an average of 2200 calories calories, while women 1900 calories per day. Add 1000 calories each day so that your weight will add about half a kilo in a week. How can add your portions than usual or also increase the frequency of eating twice as much of your daily frequency. Eating is also a snack like peanuts as much as 2-3 times between the time your meal. Adjust also with your activities, if your activity is heavier than usual, add more calories.

2. Selection of food
  • Choose fruit juice and milk (2 cups per day of consumption) rather than soda, tea, and coffee.
  • Choose vegetables like potatoes, corn, radishes, carrots, peas, and other starchy vegetables.
  • Choose fruits such as pears, apples, pineapples, and bananas.
  • Consumption soup containing cream.
  • Use healthy oils such as coconut oil, butter, canola oil, and olive oil in your cooking.
  • Add toppings on donuts, ice cream, bread and other foods. You can use cream cheese, mayonnaise, and butter because these materials are relatively high in calories.

3. Avoid foods high in calories

Avoid foods with high calories are not as healthy as foods containing trans fats (processed meat, fast food, and others).

4. Sports

Exercise regularly in order to smooth the body's metabolism and stimulate your appetite.

5. Eat foods high in protein

Increase consumption of foods containing high protein and low fat. You can get it on fruit, vegetables, chicken breast, tuna and other seafood. Protein plays an important role in repairing and building muscle tissue.

6. Drinking water

Drink lots of water, more than 8 glasses per day because water is very important as energy to be converted into weight gain.

7. Get enough sleep

Get plenty of sleep, approximately 7-8 hours a day and avoid staying up late.

8. Consumption of supplements

If necessary, also the consumption of specific supplements that can add weight.

That's 8 tips to fatten the body, which is important you need to be consistent and disciplined in the program you're living. Some people may have a condition that can inhibit the body fat. Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor or nutritionist nearby. Good tips fatten the body is beneficial.